Business Success Starts with Service
Mr Steve Demoss, who is also one of BPRC's "Chief Running Officers", told us how even when Big Peach was being run out of their home garage, that they were already giving back as part of their way of doing business. A fellow student asked "How much do you think you have donated during the lifetime of your business?" and Mr. Demoss tossed his hands up and said "I just don't know".
Mr. Cosentino then added, it's not the dollar amount, it's the commitment. "Just like when you decide that you are going to run your first 5K, you have to mentally accept the goal and never waiver." [Although they were very cagey with us, the answer posted on their website turns out to be 10%]
The final surprise from Big Peach Running Company is for all of YOU. The first 50 students (school ID required) at each store can use this barcode to get a special savings offer of Buy One Pair regularly priced shoes and get one pair of UTLEY intro trainers free.
Big Peach Gives Back

Utley BOGO